U.K. Modern Slavery Act 2015

Introduction from TOMY Europe's Managing Director

TOMY Europe is the trading name of TOMY UK Co., Ltd. Our principal focus is the sale of products for mothers, infants and toddlers, as well as toys and collectible products in the UK and internationally.
We are part of the TOMY Group and our ultimate parent company, TOMY Company, Ltd. has its head office in Japan.

Our supply and distribution chains

The products that we sell throughout Europe are sourced from a broad range of international suppliers. For much of our business, we rely on third party suppliers (via the TOMY Group) in the Far East, including China, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.
Our products are sold (directly and via distribution partner networks) to retail customers throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Policy on slavery, exploitation and human trafficking

As a globally recognised brand we are committed to ethical working practices and responsible business practises worldwide. We are continuously working to improve our practices and to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. Our Anti-Slavery Policy reflects this commitment.
Modern slavery can take many forms. Our policy addresses all forms of modern slavery including; servitude; compulsory labour; sexual exploitation; securing services by force, threat or deception; securing services from vulnerable persons; human trafficking; and forced or otherwise influenced human tissue removal (organ donation).
TOMY will not tolerate slavery, exploitation or human trafficking within our organisation. We expect and require the same from our contractors, suppliers and other business partners.

Due diligence processes in relation to slavery, exploitation and human trafficking

As part of our commitment to improving our practices and to acting ethically we are committed to:
• Education of our staff, our suppliers and sub-contractors;
• Identifying, assessing and minimising potential risk areas in our supply chain;
• Protecting whistle blowers

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

TOMY UK Co., Ltd.

Mary Wood - Managing Director , 15th May 2024